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Government Affairs

The BIAWC Governmental Affairs Committee monitors proposed regulations and revisions affecting our industry and the membership, keeps members informed about legislative and political issues, and organizes an effective membership lobbying effort to support BIAWC interests.

The Government Affairs Committee provides government affairs advocacy outreach by monitoring local government, planning commissions, city and county councils, and coordinating with the Building Industry Association of Washington and the National Association of Home Builders on business and housing related issues.  As the voice of the construction industry, BIAWC advances a pro-housing, free-market, affordable-housing agenda, and works to defeat measures that harm the housing and business industry.


The BIAWC Government Affairs Committee meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Baker Creek Place. All BIAWC members are welcome to attend.  The current Government Affairs Committee has approximately 20 regular members, including the committee co-chairs Dan Dunne of Caz Construction and Craig Parkinson of Cascade Civil Engineering.  Committee members and the Government Affairs Director monitor city and county issues relative to land use, affordable housing and business practices.  For more information on GAC, contact Perry Eskridge, Government Affairs Director at (360) 671-4247.